Before I was a photographer, I was a zombie portraitist

Before I was a photographer I had a strange artistic hobby of drawing portraits of zombies. This was in the early 90s when I was between eleven and fourteen years of age and was sparked after catching the Tom Savini remake of Night of the Living Dead on Cinemax late one night.

I made a bunch of these pencil and paper portraits between 1991 and 1994, but I’ve only been able to track down the whereabouts of one them, which I am going to share here. This particular zombie drawing of mine dates to ’93 or ’94.

K. Praslowicz Zombie Drawing. c.1991

I was sort of a weird child. I won’t deny it. Although, sometimes I wonder what would have happened if I had spent the past fifteen years perfecting the art of the zombie portrait, instead of switching to photography. Could I have become a master of the zombie portrait? Could I have used that body of work to ride the current wave of obsession of all things zombies to fame and fortune?

Category Life Journal