Raiding the Archives 4: Jamaican Wedding Reception
K. PraslowiczHi! I don't do as much text blogging as I used to, as most of my efforts have shifted towards video content. Please consider subscribing to my YouTube channel.
View The ChannelIt was March of 2004 and my brother was getting married to his second wife. This time around he decided to get married on the beaches of Jamaica instead of the wood of Wisconsin. Round up the family and off we went!
There were a few first for me on this vacation/wedding. First time I’d left the continental United States. First time I’d purchased meat from a stranger on the side of the road. First time I’d seen someone selling marijuana out of a conch shell in the ocean. First time I’ve been to Hedonism with my deeply catholic grandmother. First time I drank the good Guinness with a golf caddy for nine holes under a blazing sun.
Come to think about it, that was also the last time for all of those things. Aside from the leaving the country point, probably for the best.
The roll I grabbed this time came from the wedding reception. I don’t think they’ve ever even seen the photos. Strange that I should share some now that the marriage is pretty much dead and gone. Oh well. When people die it is typical to show old images of the good old days right? Might as well do it for a marriage as well.
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