Like a Chinese Star Wars Bootleg...
K. PraslowiczHi! I don't do as much text blogging as I used to, as most of my efforts have shifted towards video content. Please consider subscribing to my YouTube channel.
View The ChannelI’m not sure how long the auto closed captioning feature has been available on YouTube, but I just noticed it today. My first instinct was to go play the Playlist video about my photography with the volume off and auto-generated closed captioning on to experience it like a deaf person.
Given my mud-mouth accent I earned by living in rural Wisconsin for most of my life I didn’t expect much, and it didn’t disappoint. The resulting caption text read like a Chinese Star Wars bootleg, only perhaps a bit more nonsensical.

Depreciating is bright kids – I did not know that.

Public issued animals I say? I’m game.

What the Garden? What. The. Garden.

We’re going to wind up seeing car hit more birds. Yeah. I dare you to make that statement with a straight face. You can’t.

Not really the boat. Didn’t fool me anyways.

No comment.

Guess I slipped into speaking LOLcat for a moment.

Lettuce and Tomato
I was wondering what in the hell that tweet you made about the cars and the birds was about earlier today. Now I understand… err… well, I don’t understand but I do… sort of…
Google [attempts] to translate all my voicemail into text and sends it to me as email. I give their robots lots of props for trying but they are SO FAR from perfect.