"This One Picture Alone Paid Me $3,000.00" - 1943 Advertisement

Today on Vintage Media Monday we got an advertisement from 1943 for the New York Institute of Photography.

“Thanks to N.Y.I. Training This One Picture Alone Paid Me $3,000.00″


Famous News and Feature Photographer

New York Institute Of Photography Ad 1943

“I owe my success to the thoroughness of N.Y.I. training. I almost didn’t know which was the front end of a camera, when I enrolled. Yet, soon after graduation I made a picture which I titled ‘Legionnaire, 1937’ and on which I have earned more than $3,000.00! Photography has made my life a thrilling success, with an income far beyond my fondest hopes.”

When will YOU be ready for success like that of Mr. DePalma and scores of other leading photographers who enrolled for SUCCESS at N.Y.I.? No classes. Start now. Resident or home study instruction by experts. Beautiful FREE book gives details about photo-opportunities and courses in Commercial, Advertising, News, Portrait, Motion Picture and Color Photography. Write today.

Dept. 73 10 West 33 Street New York, N.Y.
Training Men and Women for Photographic Success Since 1910

Trained Photographers needed in civilian and military war effort. N.Y.I. graduates win bigger pay, preferred rating in U.S. Service.

Women of All Ages making good in fascinating photographic jobs and careers. Train for YOUR opportunity NOW!

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