Raiding The Archive 12: The Album Cover Edition
K. PraslowiczHi! I don't do as much text blogging as I used to, as most of my efforts have shifted towards video content. Please consider subscribing to my YouTube channel.
View The ChannelHey everybody! Its time for another thrilling edition of Raiding The Archives!
This time around, I picked an archive binder my shutting my eyes, spinning around, and pointing until my dizzy finger landed on one. Then I picked a random number on and chose that specific page in the binder to determine what to scan. And if you are thinking, "Wow. That sounds like it looked even more exciting than it sounds!" then you would be correct. And also, you are totally in luck as you can watch the whole thing in the video version of this post.
The page that chosen this time was of some black & white film shot on my Yashicamat 124G split between October and December 2009.
The Mower
The first photo I'm going to show from this roll is one that I did scan and post to Flickr back in 2009 when I took it. It is the epic shot of an old lawn mower parked in front of a dumpster.
This probably would have been an unimportant bit of knowledge, if it hadn't been for that rascal Sam H. See, back in 2009 there was this meme going around where you take a random image from Flickr, a random page from Wikipedia, and the last phrase from the last random quote from this quote generating website. Then, using graphic design skills of any level, mash them all up into an album cover.
This meme is what Sam did to my photo once it was uploaded to Flickr, and this album by Suzi Suzuki was the result.
So in honor of this meme, I am once again going to rebirth it with the remaining photographs that I've scanned during this archive raid.
First up, this photo of someone entering a doorway. All sorts of reflections going on here, including one of my myself if you look carefully.
After giving it a spin through the album meme we get this: Doida Station - Fill The World With Fools
Next up, this street photo of a young man riding a bike. Key things to make your jaw drop about this photo is not only does he have his own face, but also his shirt has a face. Faces for days.
After giving it a spin through the meme, it is now the cover for RM Turnchapel - If it is to be stopped at all. I decided to give this one all the terrible design flair of someone who was cheap and designed it themselves. Hence, Papyrus.
Here we have a photograph of Ralph's parking space. This spot is for Ralph, and Ralph ONLY! Don't even think about parking here if your name is Eddie.
After the old meme-a-roo, the album that this photo is destined to be used as an album cover is Meanings of minor planet names - My strength lies slowly in my tenacity.
You just know this album tries to present itself as being way more profound than it actually is.
And finally, this photo of two men covering up the hedges in the Duluth Rose Gardens.
When memeified, takes on the aura of a very heavy metal album.
Ok. That wraps up this edition of Raiding The Archives. Check out the video version if you're into that sort of thing. And also this blog post I wrote in 2012 doing the same album art game to some other photographs of mine.
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