Burke & James 4x5 Press

I originally picked my Burke & James 4×5 Press up with the intentions of using it as a body for pinhole photos, but its condition was too nice to only give it that function. Thus, it got me hooked on large format photography.

Here is a special bonus. I went and scanned the manual for the camera. Interesting book to flip through. Most noticably though because off the endorsments given in it from the famous Weegee

Posts Tagged With Burke & James 4x5 Press

The Influence of Large Format Press Cameras

Published October 10, 2009 in Gear & Technique

Although they have been obsolete for some time, does the large format press camera still have influence over people?

The Burke & James 4x5 Press, Endorsed by Weegee

Published October 4, 2009 in Gear & Technique

Reproduction of the Burke & James Press Camera user manual, and some useful tips about freelancing by Weegee the Famous.