Fuji GW690III

If ever I have purchased a piece of equipment that has made me feel as though I've captured a magic bullet, the medium format Fuji GW690III rangefinder camera has been it. While it is larger than a 35mm rangefinder, it is still of a size and shape that there is no issue for me to not sling it over my shoulder wherever I go.

January 7th, 2011

I spent the evening experimenting with different configurations of the Fuji GW690III and Metz 45CT-4 flash. It may not look it, but the configuration shown below is surprisingly agile for the size of the equipment. While holding the camera with just my right hand, the Metz Flash acts much like the pommel on a sword. It counter balances the camera rather well.

Fuji GW690III vs Leica M6 Size Comparison

Leica M6 vs Fuji gw690iii
A Non-Texas Leica vs a Texas Leica. Ye haw!

While the Fuji GW690III may seem obnoxiously larger than the petite Leica M, it isn’t that bad in practice. Hell, I’m so adjusted to the size and weight of the Fuji now that anytime that I do use the M6 without a flash bracket attached, it feels like I have one of those little purse-sized dogs that all the socialites love hanging over my shoulder. The Fuji is like a nice reliable Labrador in comparison.

Just a little more random rambling while I'm at it. I've used an MKII as well as the MKIII. In my humble opinion, the MKII feels and functions more nicely. Less plastic and more metal in the IIs. Not that this makes the MKIII bad in any sense, they are still both great cameras.

Some events I've photographed with the GW690III: Kraus-Anderson Bike Duluth Festival 2014, The John Beargrease Sled Dog Marathon 2011, Polar Plunge 2011

Holding a Fuji GW690III in the rain.

Loading the GW690III

Oh hey. I make a short tutorial video on how to load this camera.