
Posts Tagged With Leica

The Photography Flubs in Babylon Berlin

Published March 11, 2018 in Photography in Movies and Television.

A few things that are wrong with the photography depicted in Babylon Berlin.

How to use a Leica - A Practical Guide

Published August 24, 2014 in Humor & Satire

So maybe this isn't the most practical way to use a Leica camera, but it is the way I used mine for a few years. I loved every moment of it. White coddling gloves be damned!

Photography in Films: Hello Kitty Leicas

Published August 19, 2010 in Photography in Movies and Television.

Hello Kitty Leica sightings in movies a television. Second installment in a series about photography in movies and television.

Leica Sightings

Published August 16, 2010 in Photography in Movies and Television.

Leica sightings in movies and television. First installment in a series about photography in movies and television.

Leica Makes a Boo-boo

Published February 8, 2010 in Life Journal

Leica is sending a boatload of people to Duluth. Only, you wouldn't know that by the photos in the promotional material.

Rangefinder Thumb

Published March 19, 2009 in Photography Journal

What a year of rangefinder use can do to a glove.

DIY Softrelease Safety

Published January 20, 2008 in Gear & Technique

Cheap method to prevent accidental frames from being shot while using a soft release.