Photos Tagged With Mamiya RB67
Posts Tagged With Mamiya RB67
Mamiya RB67: Street Photography Monster Camera
Published June 26, 2010 in Gear & Technique
Thoughts about using the very large Mamiya RB67 camera for hand-held street photography.
So I was out shooting my RB67 one day...
Published March 9, 2010 in Photography Journal
A goodhearted laugh I had with another photographer at some confusion between my Mamiya RB67, and a digital camera.
Olympus Trip 35 1/200th Modification
July 8th, 20048 Ways to Title a Photograph
February 9th, 2011What If The Masters of Photography Used Horrendous Watermarks?
October 8th, 2012Behold! My Woot! Bag of Crap.
February 15th, 2011Sekonic Twinmate L-208
July 29th, 2017Mamiya RB67: Street Photography Monster Camera
June 26th, 2010The Secret to Loading 35mm Film for Development.
April 11th, 2009