Street Encounters
The following posts are a collection of interesting, and often humrous, conversations I've had with strangers while out photographing in public on the streets.
The following posts are a collection of interesting, and often humrous, conversations I've had with strangers while out photographing in public on the streets.
Published August 2, 2017 in Photography Journal
A story about a conversation about my Mamiya 6 that was eavesdropped on.
Published December 1, 2016 in Photography Journal
Web gallery for the photography exhibition D.R. Martin: Streets of Duluth: 1968-1971 that was on display during the summer of 2016
Published October 17, 2010 in Photography Journal
Story of a random encounter I had with a man who wanted to buy a Nikon Camera.
Published March 9, 2010 in Photography Journal
A goodhearted laugh I had with another photographer at some confusion between my Mamiya RB67, and a digital camera.
Published October 3, 2009 in Photography Journal
The tale of the night I encountered an overzealous police officer who insisted I was a sex offender.
Published July 1, 2009 in Photography Journal
Sharing stories of the conversations that happen after being busted while doing street photography.
Published January 6, 2009 in Photography Journal
Olympus Trip 35 1/200th Modification
July 8th, 20048 Ways to Title a Photograph
February 9th, 2011What If The Masters of Photography Used Horrendous Watermarks?
October 8th, 2012Behold! My Woot! Bag of Crap.
February 15th, 2011Sekonic Twinmate L-208
July 29th, 2017Mamiya RB67: Street Photography Monster Camera
June 26th, 2010The Secret to Loading 35mm Film for Development.
April 11th, 2009