What If The Masters of Photography Used Horrendous Watermarks?
K. PraslowiczHi! I don't do as much text blogging as I used to, as most of my efforts have shifted towards video content. Please consider subscribing to my YouTube channel.
View The ChannelIdle thought today while at work was how it seems like many amateur photographs spend more time putting elaborate watermarks on their images than they do making images worth stealing. This led to a second thought that I don’t really recall ever seeing the photographs of famous art photographers with a gaudy watermark. This in turn led to one more thought…
What if the masters of photography used horrendous watermarks?

Well wasn’t that just a ball of fun? Here are a few more links to some other fun satire posts about famous photographers in the Internet age.
- Great Photographers on the Internet
- Great Photographers on the Internet, Part II
- Future Now Cleansed
- Iconic Photos “Re-taken” with Instagram
It's ironic that the OP stole famous photographs from photographers, and created "derivative works" by watermarking them -- ostensibly under the guise of "fair use." Did he pay for a license to use each photograph on this blog or did he just steal them? Make no mistake about it -- this blogger stole other artists' photographs as a tool to lure you into being subjected to the advertising on this blog site. He's no better than any of the other thieves who steal photographers' art for their own personal gain. What amazes me is that he's conned everyone into accepting what he has done. Shame!